Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Introducing... Sarah and Philip...

It's time to introduce you to my kids, now that they are all here :-)


First off let me introduce you to my oldest - Sarah Charity Ryan. She just turned 14 and is typical of an oldest child in many aspects. She is the mother hen, strong willed and level headed but full of passion. Consequently, she can overreact easily too :-) She loves dance and has a wonderful group of friends. She used to be dyslexic and yet now she is an avid reader and reads many of the same books I do. She is a freshman in high school but is homeschooled so she's not exposed to a lot of the same garbage many girls her age are. She has a maturity that is wonderful along with an innocence that is rare. I rely on her a lot and walk a fine line between being her mom and being, not her friend, but a person she can turn to and talk to. She just started her first job and grows by leaps and bounds everyday. I am very proud of her.

Philip Matthew Ryan is my eldest son, and is 12 1/2 now. He is our silent power. Philip loves video games and computers and his mind is definitely inclined that way. He was loading computer games into the computer when he was 3 & 4 years old. He is quite smart but a slow processor so once he learns something he never forgets it, but he can get frustrated in the learning process. It makes him a perfect homeschooler because the public school system would not be a good place for him. He is really stepping into his role as a big brother - he is great with Quinn (our 2 year old) and has become a huge help with our newborn as well. He is not athletic and probably never will be, but he has his own areas of strength. He is loyal to a fault, intense, funny and very focused. He is learning to be reliable and is a huge help to us around the house. He makes me a happy mommy.

Next up - Chloe and Stephen...

1 comment:

Cara Putman said...

love these glimpses into the kids!