Monday, April 6, 2009

"Solid Potato Salad" - Must watch!

My uncle forwarded a link to this to me and I had to share it with you. The tune is catchy (though nonsense), but that is not why you should watch it. The Ross Sisters sound a lot like the Andrews Sisters, but I bet the Andrews Sisters didn't have moves like this. My uncle recommended that I try using some of these moves in my dance classes, but for some reason I don't see that happening :-)

Some people are double jointed, some people have rubbery arms and legs, some people have great balance, I think these girls have all three... make sure you watch over a minute, that's where it starts to get crazy!


Susan Stitch said...

Amazing! They must have the strongest quads in the world! Wonder if they have back problems in old age?

Mimi N said...

You have GOT to be kidding me! When they spun around that was so bizaar! I can't figure out which one was the most disturbing. :) Where do they learn to do this kind of thing? HAHAHAHAHAHA Their leg strength is spectacular!

Thanks for sharing!


Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

I am totally speechless...

There are no words...

Oy Vey!
