Saturday, October 27, 2007

How To Pick Curriculum To Fit Your Kids

As promised last week, here are some of my notes from our Homeschool Mother's Meeting where Becki Wardyn talked about tailoring your curriculum to fit your children. It was really good and I hope you'll glean some good tips from my notes as I did.
1) Pray - especially with your spouse

2) Know your kids
*Learning Styles (Check Out Cynthia U. Tobias' book "The Way They Learn")
*Personality Types (Check Out Florence Littauer's "Personality Plus")
*Spiritual Gifts (Check out Clay & Sally Clarkson's book "EducatingThe Wholehearted Child")

3) Educate yourself on what educational styles are available
Classical, unit studies, whole book, Charlotte Mason, unschooling, etc...

4) Listen to other homeschoolers - learn what works and doesn't work for them

5) Decide what subjects can be grade integrated - which subjects like History can you do with all your children together and which subjects like math need to be done individually?

6) Whatever educational style you use, incorporate lots of living books - books that teach without necessarily knowing it. (Little House on the Praire, Anne of Green Gables, Across Five Aprils, The Loner, Chronicles of Narnia, etc...) Use book lists from Veritas Press, Sonlight, "Let the Author Speak" and "Mystery of History" just to start.

7) Don't forget the heart of your children -
Pray for them and with them, show them how to handle problems with prayer. Get on their level and pray with them.

8) Set out goals for your family and your children individually

9) Let your children know your heart and where you are coming from. That's the most precious thing they can learn.

1 comment:

Patriot said...

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